Tutorial: Learning Full-Stack Development With a Project30 June 2023·984 words·5 minsprojects react pocketbase fullstack tutorialsProject-based learning is one of the most enjoyable and effective ways to learn new skills.
Ten Tips for Digital Minimalism to Win Back Your Attention8 June 2023·471 words·3 minsdigital minimalism tutorials studyingIf you haven’t yet, make sure to read A Case for Digital Minimalism.
Tutorial: How I Made This Website and You Can Too3 January 2023·1354 words·7 minsprojects hugo github pages tutorialsI wanted a simple blog website that was easy to set up and use, and also one where I had ownership and customization: the answer was a Hugo static site hosted on GitHub Pages.
Lightning Speed Tutorial: Git and GitHub13 December 2022·898 words·5 minstutorials git githubNo one really teaches Git and GitHub, but it’s a must-know if you’re ever going to develop software in a group (like at a company).