CS348 Final Project — Formula 1 SQL8 August 2024·99 words·1 minprojects software engineering fullstack waterlooAs a part of CS 348, Introduction to Database Management, we had the option to create a project using a database.
Tutorial: Learning Full-Stack Development With a Project30 June 2023·984 words·5 minsprojects react pocketbase fullstack tutorialsProject-based learning is one of the most enjoyable and effective ways to learn new skills.
B2 Stock Trader ↗ ↖8 January 2023projects quantitative finance data scraping data processingAlternative Data Trading using Python, Google Trends, NYT Articles, and Cohere (Co-authored by co-creator Ryan Shen)
Tutorial: How I Made This Website and You Can Too3 January 2023·1354 words·7 minsprojects hugo github pages tutorialsI wanted a simple blog website that was easy to set up and use, and also one where I had ownership and customization: the answer was a Hugo static site hosted on GitHub Pages.
SE 101 Final Project: Full Stack Arduino Exercise Tracker (4Gains)7 December 2022·1448 words·7 minsprojects software engineering waterloo arduino python socketsOur final project for SE101 was supposed to be a exercise tracker device that would revolutionize the fitness experience.
Radomir Chess: Grade 12 Summative30 January 2022·594 words·3 minsprojects java swing networkingThis is the Readme file from our Grade 12 summative project.