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I’m forgetful when it comes to giving gifts 🤦, so I built and deployed a full-stack app that helps with gift-giving planning using SQLite database and REST API. Implemented React frontend secured with user authentication, calendar, live chat, and gift idea generator. Hosted website on Vercel using GitHub and database to server using Docker image for seamless scaling

Identified undervalued stocks using data scraping from Google Trends combined with sentiment analysis on NYT articles for a financial alternative data trader to successfully outperform the S&P 500 from 2008 to 2022 🤑


SE 101 Final Project: Uploaded position data to the backend using Wi-Fi networking and Arduino sensors to track workouts 🏋️‍♂️. Processed data with Python into graphs and statistics using NumPy and Matplotlib to display exercise movement stability on React frontend 💪

Engineered backend architecture on AWS EC2 with socket networking to host real-time multiplayer chess lobbies 🛰️. Designed UI in Java Swing for chess board and account system to save user themes, showing attention to detail. Practiced teamwork to create multithreaded depth four chess engine that has ~1800 rating and moves in < 2 secs ♟️