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Three Golden Tips for the Waterloo AIF

·251 words·2 mins

If you implement these three tips, you will increase your chances of being accepted. Disclaimer: I am not involved in the application process; these are my best guesses as to how you can succeed as an applicant to Waterloo.

University of Waterloo sign outside of the Dana Porter Library.
University of Waterloo sign outside of the Dana Porter Library, 2022.

1. Understand the Application Process 🧠 #

Read Director of Admissions for Waterloo Engineering William Bishop’s blog If you don’t know the rules of the game, you probably won’t play it well! Know how AIFs are scored and how you can maximize your chances of getting in.

2. Research Features and Explain How You’ll Use Them 🔍 #

Research the university’s specific positive features and write about how you would specifically fit into those features. For example, you could write about UWaterloo’s co-op program, but what exactly about it is better than other universities, how exactly would you take advantage of the program, and what would you offer the university in return as a member of the co-op program?

Answering these questions show that you really know what you want, and advertises what you offer to the university.

3. Use the Branding Guidelines🪞 #

Choose some character traits that you demonstrate well which align with Waterloo’s branding guidelines. Highlight those parts of you, illustrating how you fit into Waterloo from a character perspective. If you can match what Waterloo wants its brand to be like, you’re sure to be accepted.

You can do more of your research starting here: